The Village of North Bennington
Board of Trustees
November 27, 2023 – Special Meeting - 6:00 PM
Announcement: The Trustees for the Village of North Bennington will hold a
special meeting on November 27, 2023 at 6:00PM. The meeting will be held virtually
via the Zoom platform (in accordance with H.681 section 6) or in person at the
Depot. Participants may use a computer or telephone to access the meeting with the
following information. The agenda follows.
To join meeting by computer/internet:
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Meeting ID: 398 769 1166
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6:00 PM Address public attendees.
6:05 PM Highway Department - Discuss purchase of CAT 306 mini excavator and a
trailer using funds from sale of equipment. The equipment had been purchased through
the surplus program, used for various jobs, and recently auctioned.
6:20 PM Erin McKenny - Bennington College requests use of the Depot Room 2 for
temporary art display by Bennington College students.
6:30 PM Adjournment