To be held at the Village School Auditorium
The legal voters of the Village of North Bennington, in the Town of
Bennington and the State of Vermont, are hereby notified and warned to
meet at the Village School of North Bennington in said village on Tuesday,
March 19, 2024 at Seven-Thirty in the afternoon to transact the following
business, VIZ:
1) To hear and dispose of the reports of the Village Officers for the year.
2) To see what sum the Village will vote to cover appropriations made at
this meeting and for the current and incidental expenses or authorize
the trustees to borrow the necessary funds for that purpose; authorize
the trustees to spend unanticipated revenue; and also authorize the
trustees to set the tax rate upon completion of the Grand List.
3) To elect a Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, and three
Auditors for the ensuing year; and two trustees for three years.
4) To discuss any other business found proper when met.
Lorine Elwell
Village of North Bennington
January 2024