Planning Commission – Village of North Bennington
Wednesday January 18, 2023
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Depot Office
The primary purpose of the meeting is a continuation of the review of the working draft of the
Zoning Bylaw, specifically Section 4, Administration and Enforcement.
7:00 PM Query for public comment; revise agenda if needed
7:05 PM Review and approve previous meeting notes
7:10 PM Recruitment Update: Additional Development Review Board member
7:15 PM Discuss formally filling the Acting Zoning Administrator position, if required.
7:20 PM Review Commission Members Comments to Sections 4 Draft Zoning Bylaw
(Previously distributed) and possibly a portion of Section 5.
8:20 PM Brief Discussion of Future Topics (to include the following as time permits)
Section 7 Development Performance Standards (New, Replaces Figure 4-1)
Section 11 Subdivision and PUD Standards
2 – 4 Primary Structures?
General Discussion of Housing Initiatives
Promoting which type (Retirement, Workforce, Affordable)
Promoting which size (Single, Double, Multi-family)
Which Districts
Accessory Dwelling Units
Creating Community
Housing Implementation Initiatives for Discussion
Increase the potential dwelling unit density per lot by changing the regulations to measure density by principle dwelling structures per minimum lot size rather than dwelling units per lot?
Provide incentives for small, affordable, accessible, energy efficient housing development through a mixture of density bonuses, permit fee reductions or waivers, amortized development impact fees, and property tax adjustments?
o Provide greater flexibility to add Accessory Dwelling Units to lots?
o Incorporate the Cottage Court Development section into the Bylaw?
o Create a Development Outreach Committee to introduce realtors and developers to the revised Bylaw?
Zoning Map Revisions – Early Thoughts
8:30 PM Motion to close the meeting.
Note: Any public comments identified as the first item of this agenda will be addressed briefly at
the beginning of the relevant agenda item.