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Planning Commission

Join us in the Depot


  • 7:00 PM Query for public comment; revise agenda if needed

  • 7:05 PM Review Open Meeting Law requirements

  • 7:10 PM Review and approve previous meeting notes

  • 7:15 PM Review recruitment efforts

  • 7:20 PM Initial Discussion Pertinent to Sections 1 – 4

    • Determine how we structure our permit fees

    • Sample process chart for securing a permit

    • Decide how we might revise the permit application process for larger projects to

      help the applicant and DRB

    • Consider extending the duration of permits

    • Consider marking the beginning of probation periods

    • Consider whether each dwelling needs an individual lot

    • Consider adding decision factors for all DRB-involved reviews

    • Determine when development impact fees are triggered, when they are paid

      and the fee schedule on which they are based

    • Consider adding Certificate of Occupancy issuance criteria.

  • 8:00 PM Review Commission Member Comments to Sections 1 – 4 of the August 26, 2022 Draft

Zoning Bylaw

  • 8:20 PM Brief Discussion of Future Topics (to include the following as time permits)

    • Discussion of Housing Initiatives

      • Promoting which type (Retirement, Workforce, Affordable)

      • Promoting which size (Single, Double, Multi-family)

      • Which Districts

      • Accessory Dwelling Units

      • Creating Community

    • Village Center District development tax and fee incentive possibilities

      • o Housing

      • o Mixed Use

      • o Professional

    • Zoning Map Revisions – Early Thoughts

    • Lincoln Square / Prospect Street – Potential Idea

  • 8:30 PM Motion to close the meeting.

Note: Public comments will be addressed briefly at the beginning of the relevant agenda item.

September 20

Zoning Meeting

October 6

Special Meeting! Planning Commission