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Planning Commission


The primary purpose of the meeting is a continuation of the review of potential Zoning Bylaw

revisions, specifically Section 4, Administration and Enforcement.

7:00 PM Query for public comment; revise agenda if needed

7:05 PM Review and approve previous meeting notes

7:10 PM Review ZA and Commission recruitment efforts

7:20 PM Possible Additions to Section 3, Definitions (See Attachment)

7:30PM Review Commission Member Comments to Sections 4 Draft Zoning Bylaw,

including Revised Permit Process Charts (See Attachment)

8:20 PM Brief Discussion of Future Topics (to include the following as time permits)

 General Discussion of Housing Initiatives

  • o Promoting which type (Retirement, Workforce, Affordable)

  • o Promoting which size (Single, Double, Multi-family)

  • o Which Districts

  • o Accessory Dwelling Units

  • o Creating Community

 Housing Implementation Initiatives for Discussion

  • o Increase the potential dwelling unit density per lot by changing the

    regulations to measure density by principle dwelling structures per

    minimum lot size rather than dwelling units per lot.

  • o Provide incentives for small, affordable, accessible, energy

    efficient housing development through a mixture of density

    bonuses, permit fee reductions or waivers, amortized development

    impact fees, and property tax adjustments.

  • o Provide greater flexibility to add Accessory Dwelling Units to


  • o Seek State of Vermont Neighborhood Development Area

    Designation for certain districts. This designation can reduce Act

    250 requirements, State fees, and in some instances State Taxes.

  • o Incorporate the Cottage Court Development section into the


  • o Create a Development Outreach Committee to introduce

    developers to the revised Bylaw.

  •  Zoning Map Revisions – Early Thoughts

8:30 PM Motion to close the meeting.

Note: Public comments will be addressed briefly at the beginning of the relevant agenda item.

October 26

In-Person Tax Payment Hours

October 27

In-Person Tax Payment Hours