The Village of North Bennington
Board of Trustees – SPECIAL MEETING
January 3, 2023 - Virtual Meeting - 6:00 PM
Announcement: The Trustees for the Village of North Bennington will hold a
Special Budget meeting for the purpose of drafting the 2023/24 budget on January
3, 2023 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held virtually via the Zoom platform (in
accordance with H.681 section 6). Participants may use a computer or telephone to
access the meeting with the following information. The agenda follows.
The Village Depot Offices will also be open for in person attendance.
To join meeting by computer/internet:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 398 769 1166
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Meeting ID: 398 769 1166
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6:00 PM Acknowledge public attendance and amend agenda if required.
6:05 PM Discuss amounts to set for budget line items from information gathered at prior
budget meetings
6:05 PM General Government
6:20 PM Fire Department
6:40 PM Public Works
6:50 PM Highway
7:10 PM Payments to Other Organizations
7:15 PM Insurance and Other
7:20 PM Other Budget Matters
7:30 PM Adjournment